Commentary on the book of numbers

Commentary on the book of numbers by matthew henry. And miriam miriam seems to be first named, because she was the first mover of the sedition. The book of numbers, called arithmoi meaning arithmetic in the septuagint, gets its name from the census in chapters 1 and 26. They contain gods instructions about how his people should live. The new international commentary on the old testament. The spiritual character of the congregation of israel culminated in the blessing with which the priests were to bless the people. Ashley is wellinformed about what people of differing viewpoints have to say, and this is therefore the most indepth evangelical commentary on the book of numbers. The sons of aaron, the levites taken instead of the firstborn. An example of his discussion of an anthropologicallybased approach to ritual symbolism is as follows. May 01, 1993 the book of numbers tells a story that has two main characters god and israel.

Read numbers commentary using matthew henry commentary on the whole bible complete. The new international commentary on the old testament nicot the book of numbers tells a story that has two main characters god and israel. Keil and delitzsch biblical commentary on the old testament. The books of numbers new international commentary on the old. Numbers chapter 33 contains the historical record of the journey from egypt to canaan. The book of numbers was written to demonstrate that gods covenant plan stays on track even when his people dont. Leviticus, which interrupts the flow of narration, consists almost entirely of legislation independent of historic precedentwith the exception of lev. The book of numbers is all about gods people in the wilderness how they get there, how god deals with them in the wilderness, and how he. And the lord spake unto moses in the wilderness of sinai, in the tabernacle of the congregation. The apostle paul advised the church in corinth about yielding to temptations to grumbling, immorality, and idol worship like the hebrews did 1 cor.

Numbers overview james burton coffman commentaries on the bible. The title is probably derived from the two occasions in the book where a census is taken num. The book of numbers begins with the words and the lord spake unto moses in the wilderness of sinai, in the tabernacle of the congregation, on the first day of the second month, in the second year after they were come out of the land of egypt. Sinai, through the wilderness, to the border of canaan is narrated in the fourth book of the pentateuch, the book of numbers. Numbers, introduction, xvi, correctly shows that the book is so inseparably united to the books which precede it that no. A rigorous, thorough, uptodate evangelical commentary on numbers. Numbers a2 classic bible study guide 2 introduction willderness is the first hebrew word in the book of numbers, and it aptly expresses the spiritual teachings which underlie that strange history. Numbers chapter 1 explained discover books of the bible. Numbers commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. There are various references to the book of numbers in the new testament. Censustaking rolls like a sand dune through parashat bmidbar, which is also the hebrew name for the fourth book of the torah that we begin reading this week, known as the book of numbers in english.

Numbers commentary matthew henry commentary on the. Henry maclagan then opened he their mind, that they might understand the scriptures. Gordon wenham numbers tyndale old testament commentaries, 1981. It unfolds the wilderness life of the christian, as does no other book of. In it i talk about ten things i felt that the book has taught me. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works. The way the story is told sounds odd and often harsh to readers today. The book is called numbers in english because it records a series of censuses that moses took of the tribes of israel.

Best numbers commentaries updated for 2021 best bible. Best commentaries and books on numbers logos bible software. An introduction and commentary intervarsity press, 1981, 2539. As genesis is the book of origins, exodus the book of redemption, and leviticus the book of worship and fellowship, numbers is the book of the service and walk of gods redeemed people. In numbers chapter 34 we read what god set as the new boundaries for israel. Its opening ten chapters, covering a mere fifty days, describe how moses organized israel for the march from sinai to the promised land. An overview of the history of israel in the wilderness with. The book of numbers presents two sets of challenges for readers. The book of leviticus as well as the book of numbers follow immediately after the book of exodus. Chapters available numbers calvins commentary on the bible. Pekka pitkanen provides an exciting new commentary to the book of numbers which approaches the material with finely tuned interdisciplinary skill and close.

The story of numbers is so important from a spiritual perspective that two new testament writers warn their readers about failing similar tests. The book of numbers new international commentary on the. These record the numbers of male israelites who were over 20 years old. It is called by this name because the people israel are twice numbered in this book. Eerdmans publishing company, 1993 baker, david, brueggemann, dale a. God gives rules to israels people numbers the book of numbers easyenglish bible in the desert numbers a commentary by marion adams the israelites at the start of their journey numbers 110 a commentary by marion adams the israelites travel through the desert numbers 1120 a commentary by marion adams. The book continues the redemptive history of israel where exodus leaves off. The book of numbers tells the story of how and why the israelites wandered through the wilderness for 40 years on their way to the promised. This list of commentaries is intended to help the reader understand and apply the authors message in the book of numbers. The book of numbers new international commentary on the old.

May 02, 2020 the importance of the book of numbers is indicated by its being referred to in the new testament many times. The book of numbers is the fourth of five parts which comprise what scripture calls the book of moses. Numbers is the culmination of the story of israels exodus from oppression in egypt and their journey to take possession of the land god promised their fathers. Commentary on the book of numbers by matthew henry old. Top 5 commentaries on the book of numbers ligonier ministries. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works in 1706, sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 17081710 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible, covering the whole. The face of god is the personality of god as turned towards man. This is a short film i made after studying the book of numbers in the old testament. They came through the red sea and saw god provide through the desert wilderness. Ashley the book of numbers the new international commentary on the old testament, 1993 for those. There are exegetical commentaries, scholarly and technical commentaries, as well as commentaries that are easy to understand. Study the bible online using commentary on numbers and more. Numbers classic bible study bible commentary, bible. In spite of the difficulties imposed by numbers on todays readers, the main point of the book is of immense importance for gods people in any age.

The ethiopian either, 1st, zipporah, who is here called an ethiopian, in the hebrew, a cushite, because she was a midianite. Dividing the text of numbers into five major sections, ashleys commentary elucidates the theological themes of obedience and disobedience that run throughout the book s narrative. The fourth book of the pentateuch bears in the greek translation of the old testament septuagint the title arithmoi, of which the latin numeri and our english numbers are translations. Numbers speak for themselves in this weeks torah portion as well lots of them.

This book is called numbers because there are many lists of numbers in it. Exodus ends by relating the erection of the tabernacle on the first day. The book records census results for all twelve tribes not once, but twice. Fire goes out from jehovahs face, and consumes the enemy and the rebellious leviticus 10. You will recall that in genesis, the first book of the pentateuch, we have the creation and fall of man and many beginnings. Book of numbers overview insight for living ministries. The journey now enters the history books and is no longer part of every day life. The book of numbers new international commentary on the old testament ashley, timothy r. The book of numbers international college of the bible.

This book provides a new reading of the biblical book of numbers in a commentary form. Study numbers using john gills exposition of the bible to better understand scripture with full outline and verse meaning. The directions as to this blessing, therefore, impressed the seal of perfection upon the whole order and. The book of numbers the new international commentary on the. Gordon wenham numbers tyndale old testament commentaries, 1981 gordon wenham is among the best contemporary. The levites numbered by their families, their duties. The majority of modern biblical scholars believe that the torah the books of genesis, exodus, leviticus, numbers, and deuteronomy reached its present form in the postexilic period i. The lord jesus includes the book of numbers in his words when explaining to his disciples all that was written concerning himself in the law of moses, and in. The books of numbers new international commentary on the. The book of numbers nicot, 1993, technical pastoral.

In numbers chapter 35 god describes a system of justice, including the location of jails. The holy spirit called special attention to numbers in 1 corinthians 10. The first involves a diversity of material and thematic complexity. He doesnt accept all the conservative positions easily, but he is fairly conservative in the end. The book of numbers tells a story that has two main charactersgod and israel. The theme of the book of numbers is the journey to the promised land of canaan.

First, this approach seeks to understand the whole ritual system and not just parts of it, or more precisely to understand the parts in the light. Dividing the text of numbers into five major sections, ashleys commentary elucidates the theological themes of obedience and disobedience that run throughout the books narrative. As recorded in the book of exodus, israel escaped slavery in egypt god miraculously set them free from hundreds of years of bondage. Book of numbers john gills exposition of the bible.

It recounts thoughtprovoking accounts of mans sinfulness and gods divine grace. The book of numbers the new international commentary on. Chapters available numbers coffman commentaries on the. Mainstream readings have tended to see the book as a haphazard. Inserted between exodus and numbers is the book of leviticus.

A commentary as its meant to be heard, narrated by chuck missler. Once again its name is derived from the septuagint via the vulgate. And, as we will see, they add up to more than their sum. The hebrew name for these books is the torah, which means law. Numbers overview james burton coffman commentaries on. Why did the people of israel wander for forty years in the desert. The book of numbers easyenglish bible in the desert numbers a commentary by marion adams the israelites at the start of their journey numbers 110 a commentary by marion adams the israelites travel through the desert numbers 1120 a commentary by marion adams the israelites prepare to enter the promised land numbers 26. Its narrative begins at the point where exodus leaves off. Numbers new cambridge bible commentary forthcoming. Numbers and work bible commentary theology of work.

The first 5 books in the bible are called the 5 books of moses. His detailed versebyverse comments are intended primarily to explain the hebrew text of numbers as we have it rather than to speculate on how the book came to be in its present form. The titles of the five books of moses, which we use in our bibles, are all borrowed from the greek translation of the seventy, the most ancient version of the old. The book of numbers is composed of narrative, legislation, and archival records.

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